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By Jaffar

Regular price Rs.1,465
Regular price Sale price Rs.1,465
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Product Category: Insecticide
Active Ingredient: Fipronil
Formulation: Available in Granules Formulation (0.4% G) & SC Formulation (Suspension Concentrate) with 5% w/v concentration

Target Pests: Stem Borers, Leaf Folder, Plant Hoppers

Mode of Action:

  • Contact & stomach action.
  • Disrupts the insect central nervous system by blocking the passage of chloride ions.

Key Properties / USPs:

  • Broad-spectrum activities and can be used on various crops like Rice.
  • Useful as insect resistance management (IRM) tool.
  • PGR (Plant Growth Regulator) effects, showing greening effect on crops with excellent crop safety.
  • Suitable for IPM (integrated pest management) programs, that is used to manage pest damage by the most economical means, and with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment.

"Wheat, Rice, Maize, Maize Autumn, Maize Spring, Cotton, Sugarcane, Potato, Citrus, Mango, Mango(Desahri), Mango(Sindhri), Mango-Chaunsa, Mango-Dussehri, Mango-Langra, Mung Bean, Chilli, Garlic, Onion, Okra, Ginger, Tomato, Spring Onion, Cucumber, Mung bean, Mash, Masoor, Chickpea, Brinjal (Eggplant), Sesame, Sunflower, Tobacco, Mustard, Guava, Musk Melon, Water Melon, Orange -Pineapple, Orange -Mosambi, Orange -Salustiana, Orange -Shakri, Orange, Orange -Marsh Early"



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