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V-Zinc 20 L

V-Zinc 20 L

By VAN (Vital Agri Nutrient)

Regular price Rs.6,000
Regular price Rs.5,850 Sale price Rs.6,000
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V-Zinc is liquid Zinc sulfate containing 10% Zinc. It is a stable, non-dusting formulation that is a clear liquid under most storage conditions.

1. Activates enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of certain proteins.
2. Helps the plant to withstand cold temperatures.
3. Helps with growth regulation and stem elongation.

Method of Application:
Use this product with irrigation or apply through a foliar application (to foliage of the crop as a spray solution)

Registration Details:
Product is registered in Pakistan.
V-zinc is available in 3 Liter and 20 Liter packing.

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