پروڈکٹس کی معلومات پر جائیں
1 کی 1




باقاعدہ قیمت Rs.0
باقاعدہ قیمت قیمت فروخت Rs.0
سیل اسٹاک ختم

Active Ingredient : S-Metolachlor
Formulation:  Available in EC Formulation (Emulsifiable Concentrate)
Target Crops: Cotton, Maize, Sunflower, Onion, Potato, Pea, Okra, Chili, Cauliflower, Sugar beet.
Target Pests: Annual Grass weeds, Broad leave weeds

Key Properties / USPs:
Control of annual grass weeds and annual broad leaves weeds.
Excellent crop safety
Flexibility in crop management program with wide application window.

مکمل تفصیلات دیکھیں